The Italian judiciary allows citizenship applications without a birth certificate

July 26, 2024
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The Italian judiciary allows citizenship applications without a birth certificate

The recent decision by the Italian Court of Cassation marks a milestone in the country's immigration policies, facilitating access to citizenship for descendants of Italians. This judicial ruling allows applicants to obtain Italian citizenship without presenting a birth certificate, opening new possibilities for those seeking to establish their lineage with Italian ancestors.

A judicial ruling that marks a turning point

On May 22, 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation issued ruling 14,194, revolutionizing the process of acquiring Italian citizenship. This ruling benefits applicants who do not have a birth certificate for their Italian ancestor, as well as those whose documents do not meet traditional requirements.

Documents that can substitute for the birth certificate

The new regulation allows the use of other documents to prove lineage with the Italian ancestor. These documents include:

  • Ecclesiastical records (baptismal certificates, marriage records, or death records).
  • Sworn testimonies from individuals who can provide relevant information about the lineage and the applicant's connection to their ancestors.

The Italian Court of Cassation clarified that, although the birth certificate is the first step to proving an ancestor's nationality, it is not the only way. The current standards are based on Circular k28 and articles 236, 237, and 241 of the Italian Civil Code, which establish a multi-level proof system for lineage.

How to obtain Italian citizenship as an Argentine

For Argentines who wish to obtain Italian citizenship by descent, this ruling offers a more accessible path. The process begins with requesting an appointment at the Italian Consulate corresponding to their region. Then, the following documentation of the Italian ancestor and the applicant must be presented:

  • Birth certificate issued by the Italian Municipality where they were born, with complete identifying data (now optional according to the new ruling).
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Death certificate (if applicable).
  • Certificate from the National Electoral Chamber (to check if they naturalized as Argentine).
  • Original birth certificate.
  • Application for recognition of Italian citizenship.
  • Valid ID.
  • Proof of residence.
  • Birth, marriage, and/or death certificates for each non-Italian ascendant.
  • Original marriage certificate or legalized divorce decree, as applicable.
  • Birth certificates of children under 18 years of age.

Source: Ámbito

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July 26, 2024
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